I’m Tired…

I'm tired...

I'm tired of feeling persecuted by people who co-opt the name of God so they can tell other people how to live.

I'm tired of being told I am un-American for the way I live by the right side. However when the shoe is on the other foot they can't stand to be told how to live by anyone but themselves.

I'm tired of American hypocrisy.

I'm tired of this election.

I'm tired of 45.

I'm tired that I can't just breathe and feel that my rights will not be infringed upon because the right side is only playing for keeps.

I'm tired that not even moments after RBG's death they decided to start focusing on building their conservative court.

I'm tired of letting people who think their religion makes them mighty and strong fool us any longer. If you're christian, catholic, baptist, or whatever religion you've sworn to Jesus, know this...

Jesus died for our sins; not to make others feel guilty or hurt them for being different. This is the biblical character who bathed lepers and prostitutes, forgave murderers, put other people's needs in front of them, fought for the handicap, and believed every living creature from person to animal to plant is a child of God.

How is it that your small-minded perception of God should allow you the right to dictate how all of us should exist? That doesn't sound like God it sounds much more like the "devil" and all I hear when the right spouts out this rhetoric are the chains of oppression.

So I am not going to stand around and not add my voice to the equation. Because the reality is this political battle we are in front of is not about economics, sadly even a pandemic could not bring our country together, it is about God. The three letter word that has waged war since the dawn of man. So here I am unafraid to tell you I am Catholic and Pagan. I am God and the Goddess personified and on this holiest of days of the week I can no longer sit around thinking it is okay for a group of people to challenge our morality any longer.

God is not just you. God is all of us. If you believe even for a second that God would care about your guns or controlling other people you're gravely mistaken. Perhaps you need to check in with your "god" because maybe the thing you've been worshipping is the prince of lies?

Maybe this is too hot for you to read and it gets your mind bubbling but also know this. This is how you make other people feel when you go around spouting your racism, hypocrisy, and hate. You may think you're doing "god's" work but in actuality you're choosing a much older and hateful spirit.

I am tired of not saying it like it is.

I am a spiritual person with a direct connection to God. Always had it always will. Maybe that scares you; it should, but not because I am some powerful wizard that's going to hurt you. No instead it's because I've journeyed this far through life to realize God is inside all of us. God is you, and me, and every living creature. God is life. God is nothing. God will be here when we exist and God will be here when we die.

God is everything and if God is everything then every person has the equal right to God. We are entering the age of meta where things mean more than just what we perceive them to be. In every choice is an infinite amount of other choices happening at the same time. Every color you choose is a deeper connection to our emotions and the signals the Great Spirit is sending us.

Every day someone tries to oppress you because of their God we must realize they're not with God but instead misguided by the lies of a shadow. Let's call it like it is because I can no longer hold my tongue back in hope others would be respectful.

I'm tired and it was time I said something about God.


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